DiFFreight Blog Customs Accreditation: What Ukrainian Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Customs Accreditation: What Ukrainian Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Customs Accreditation: What Ukrainian Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Contents of the article:

  1. What is Customs Accreditation;
  2. Procedure for Customs Accreditation;
  3. Who Can Be Refused;
  4. Reaccreditation;
  5. Role and Duties of Customs Broker During Accreditation.

Goods from other countries cannot cross the border with Ukraine without official permits. Customs accreditation allows for the swift and lawful movement of goods across the Ukrainian border, avoiding fines, delays, and confiscation. In this article, we'll explain the requirements that customs authorities impose on entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in foreign economic activity.

What is Customs Accreditation

Customs accreditation is the process of registering physical and legal entities of entrepreneurs. According to the Customs Code of Ukraine, all persons dealing with goods must undergo a customs registration procedure with the assignment of a unique identification number. This registration number is assigned once and is valid for operations throughout the country.

By registering with customs and obtaining accreditation, a company or individual can conduct foreign economic operations: conclude contracts, import, and export products.

Procedure for Customs Accreditation

The process of accreditation is regulated by the Procedure for the registration of persons. It was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 15.06.2015 No. 552. To undergo customs procedures, you need to:

  • Collect a package of documents (the list of documents depends on the status of the applicant: legal or natural person);
  • Submit an application;
  • Pay the accreditation fee (the amount varies depending on the type of goods, number of codes, number of product names, and number of clearances per month).
Application form for registration of a person who carries out transactions with goods

Application form for registration of a person who carries out transactions with goods

There is no binding to a specific place of application. Thanks to the electronic register, the application is available at all customs clearance checkpoints.

Main documents for accreditation:

  • Application for registration (form № 1-CED);
  • Extract from the Register of persons performing operations with goods (form №2-CED).
Form of extract from the Register of persons carrying out transactions with goods

Form of extract from the Register of persons carrying out transactions with goods

Documents can be submitted in paper form to the appropriate customs unit or sent online to the address of the DFS information portal. For this, the carrier needs an electronic digital signature accredited by the DFS.

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Who Can Be Refused

Customs can refuse registration and changes to the Register for companies and private entrepreneurs:

  • Ceasing activity;
  • Whose data is already in the Register.

Applications are also returned for revision in case of discrepancies with the state register, bankruptcy, or sanctions lists.

Errors in documents can lead to refusal to undergo the procedure.

Errors in documents can lead to refusal to undergo the procedure.


If a company or sole proprietor has undergone changes in key details, reaccreditation will be required. This is a procedure for updating information about an entity engaged in foreign economic activity in the customs registry. Such information includes the legal address, director, bank details, and other data submitted during customs accreditation.

To complete reaccreditation, you need to:

  • draft a request in free form asking for the necessary changes and stating the reason;
  • attach the existing account card and a new one with the changes;
  • attach copies of documents on which the changes are based.

After the customs authority updates the information, the registration number remains the same. If you prefer not to handle reaccreditation yourself, DiFFreight customs broker services can assist you.

Role and Duties of Customs Broker During Accreditation

The term for consideration or refusal of accreditation is one working day. But due to incorrectly completed documents or the absence of an accredited digital signature, the registration process may be complicated. This leads to delays in cargo clearance at the border.

To expedite the accreditation process and streamline it, you can use the services of a customs clearance agent. The customs broker monitors nuances and changes in legislation, knows how to correctly fill out and submit documents in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Service. With the help of a customs broker, company accreditation can take several hours.

The DiFFreight team of professionals offers professional assistance in collecting documents for trouble-free cargo handling. We will help you prepare an application on behalf of the company or entrepreneur so that the accreditation process at customs goes as quickly and smoothly as possible.

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