DiFFreight News Children's Day at DiFFreight Company

Children's Day at DiFFreight Company

Children's Day at DiFFreight Company

We have always understood the importance of holding corporate events to create an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding in the team. However, we do not stop there and believe that maintaining connections among employees' families is the way to form a friendly and strong team. To this end, on May 27, 2024, on the eve of Children's Day, DiFFreight held a celebration for the children of our employees. Let's immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of this special, festive, and joyful day.

Original Introduction

The morning began with a meeting of our children. We decided to conduct the introduction in the form of a fun game, where the child named their name while passing a balloon. Then, each little participant was given a branded name badge. The most active children received stickers as a way of encouragement.

Interesting Excursion

Next, a tour of the DiFFreight office departments was conducted with a description of their work in a form that is accessible and interesting for children. The staff of the departments actively participated in this introduction, explaining who does what. It was especially interesting for the little ones to see the workplaces of their mothers and fathers.

Equally exciting was the game of guessing the main duties of a profession by its name. Examples of professions found in our company (logistician, marketer, HR, broker, analyst, purchaser, etc.) were provided with explanations of their functions. This allowed even the youngest participants to understand what logistics is and why it is so important.

Exciting Games

The second part of our celebration consisted of interesting activities. First, the children were presented with a huge poster depicting a ship named DiFFreight delivering containers and boxes around the world. It was suggested to guess which countries this ship delivers cargo to. As usual, the most active participants received stickers.

Then each child was able to show their own creative abilities by making and decorating containers. These were attached to the DiFFreight ship for a long journey. But first, they had to come up with and say what specific goods were in the container. To make the poster even more colorful, the children decorated it with handprints and bright drawings.

How Can We Do Without TikTok?

During breaks between games, our marketers recorded interviews with participants for our own TikTok channel. In these, the kids shared their impressions of the event: their exuberant emotions knew no bounds! The most active and creative participants even tried their hand at being a cameraman and interviewer.

Distribution of Gifts

After the lunch break, we proceeded to the climax of the celebration - the distribution of gifts. They were allocated based on the participants' activity and the number of stickers received. However, in the end, no child left empty-handed, as everyone actively participated and was thrilled with the fun games and entertainment. The next day, some even showed off their branded hoodies (DiFFreight merchandise) at school to their classmates.

Our team worked hard to make the children's celebration truly exciting and interesting. It is especially important that now our kids know what the world of logistics is and can tell their friends about it.

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