DiFFreight News Optimization of warehouse stocks and flexible supply chain — what it is and why it is important for entrepreneurs

Optimization of warehouse stocks and flexible supply chain — what it is and why it is important for entrepreneurs

Optimization of warehouse stocks and flexible supply chain — what it is and why it is important for entrepreneurs

You have your own business. Your business is going up. There is a demand for the product. Time to scale! Namely, to adjust the supply process and create a stock that will be delivered on time and quickly sold in the buyer's market. Moreover, if you optimize stocks and adjust deliveries in time (eliminate delays, lack of goods, dishonest suppliers), you will be able to reduce costs and develop a base of regular and loyal customers. Why and how? We tell in the article.

Priority of 2023

In times of war, all entrepreneurs keep their finger on the pulse. Because business must be flexible and able to adapt to any circumstances. Moreover, the moods and desires of buyers change extremely quickly and it is worth learning to adapt to them in order to receive a stable income from your business.

That is why it is a good idea to build a system that will make it possible to forecast and create a stable supply chain of goods from all over the world. To do this, it is necessary to resist full control of warehouse stocks and choose reliable suppliers and carriers.

You can also contact IT. Businesses are now implementing many automated systems that help monitor all issues and forecast purchasing for replenishment before purchasing demand increases. IT platforms can calculate warehouse stocks taking into account the mutual influence of product categories.

But you should not rely only on digital security, because it is very important to record accurate information and control stocks without mistakes. And as practice shows, any system can break down and mess up the settings. What do we offer?

Ysell service

Software that will help to establish a supply chain and optimize warehouse stocks due to its functionality. It has many functions for automating the warehouse process:

Why Ysell?

How often, when working with a warehouse, are you surprised by the ingenuity of its employees: lose two or three of your boxes that have not "tracked" for the second week? Will Ysell fix this problem? Unfortunately, we cannot completely remove the human factor. But Ysell can definitely reduce the risks of such situations in the future, because the program works according to clear scripts, where any movement of your box is recorded.

Examples of tasks that our clients solve with the help of the program:

  • communication with the warehouse through a single space, which prevents the possibility of error and increases the speed of solving possible problems;
  • generation of detailed labeling for your cargo;
  • manage all your remaining stock;
  • all financial interaction is displayed in one place.

What should you choose: a supply control specialist or software?

- Option 1: Artificial intelligence

Among the main advantages are more accurate demand forecasts, as well as the ability to optimize and reduce warehouse stocks by selling them. Also, the programs work without human intervention and clearly record all indicators and process the received data in seconds. In addition, you can view all this on any device and get analytics for any month.

- Option 2: Specialists and companies

Machine intelligence is very good and more often than not much faster. But the machine is driven by people, and it is they who can help you understand all the issues in working with the same IT development for fixing warehouse stocks and building a supply chain. Moreover, you can find a company to which you will entrust all logistical issues for consulting, and all you have to do is receive reports and monitor the work.

We suggest combining two options when working with us. We will take care of all logistics issues. We will develop a win-win supply chain, create profitable and safe transportation conditions. We will take responsibility for your goods. We will prepare and send the goods to your client. All you need to know about our services in more detail is to contact the manager using the feedback button and get a consultation to start cooperation.

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