DiFFreight News The specifics of the transportation of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The specifics of the transportation of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The specifics of the transportation of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

During a year and a half of intense military operations, the fate of Ukraine became the subject of special attention of the international community. Widespread support from our Western allies and international organizations reinforces belief in victory and helps the nation endure. Among the important aspects of this support is humanitarian aid to both civilians and the military. Today we are talking about the specifics of transporting humanitarian aid to Ukraine under martial law.

Regarding humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid is free material assistance provided to the population affected by a humanitarian disaster or in a crisis situation. It aims to save lives, alleviate suffering and ensure human dignity in situations where people need support the most.

The following are most often imported into Ukraine as humanitarian aid:

  • food;
  • medical devices and equipment;
  • clothes and shoes;
  • tents and blankets;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • transport;
  • fuel etc.

In addition, Resolution No. 174 was approved on March 1, 2022, which defines the list of categories of goods that are automatically considered as humanitarian aid. Such goods include:

  • helmets, helmets, shock absorbers for the needs of the Armed Forces;
  • fabrics and threads for making bulletproof vests;
  • UAVs and their components.

These goods do not undergo special procedures, they are recognized as humanitarian aid according to the declarative principle. You can submit a paper or electronic humanitarian aid declaration.

Declaration form on the list of goods recognized as humanitarian aid - DiFFreight

Declaration form on the list of goods recognized as humanitarian aid

Rules for the passage of humanitarian aid across the border

After the introduction of martial law, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine simplified the procedures related to the importation and customs clearance of humanitarian aid.

Permission to import humanitarian aid into Ukraine is granted upon crossing the customs border on the basis of a declaration filled out by the person carrying the goods. At the same time, additional non-tariff restrictions in foreign economic activity are not applied to the product.

According to Resolution No. 174, some dual-purpose goods (plates for bulletproof vests, scopes, thermal imagers, non-civilian UAVs, etc.) cross the border of Ukraine in a simplified manner. At the same time, a guarantee letter of the final recipient (law enforcement agency, military formation, military administration body) is required.

Detailed information on customs clearance of humanitarian aid - DiFFreight

Detailed information on customs clearance of humanitarian aid

Border crossing conditions for drivers:

  • availability of permission from competent persons of the State Border Service;
  • relevant decision to leave Ukraine;
  • compliance with the conditions for crossing the state border of Ukraine;
  • information about the driver must be in the system managed by Ukrtransbezpeka.

The decision on permission to leave for drivers is made by the Ministry of Infrastructure or the regional military administration. At the same time, it is necessary to justify the number of cargoes and vehicles.

Thanks to communication between the government and volunteers, as well as due to numerous legislative initiatives, the procedure for importing humanitarian aid to Ukraine has become much simpler. However, one must always be careful due to constant changes in legislation, which may introduce certain features, restrictions or even bans on the import of certain types of goods.

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