DiFFreight News Unique CRM for Logistics for the First Time in Ukraine - Convenient Cargo Management with DiFFreight

Unique CRM for Logistics for the First Time in Ukraine - Convenient Cargo Management with DiFFreight

Unique CRM for Logistics for the First Time in Ukraine - Convenient Cargo Management with DiFFreight

DiFFreight is constantly in the process of development, striving to meet the growing demands of the logistics services market and always be several steps ahead of its competitors. With this goal in mind, we are rapidly implementing innovative solutions that will optimize the company's internal processes and resources to enhance efficiency, productivity, and customer service levels.

Our goals are always ambitious and large-scale. One of them currently is the implementation of an innovative, unique product in the logistics department's operations – the logistician's cabinet based on our own CRM system. We are ready to admit that we did not come to this decision immediately; it took 2.5 years to realize this need.

During this time, we have been testing various systems, purchasing software licenses, and searching for a product that can fully meet our requirements and align with the directions of development and needs of DiFFreight.

As a result, a course was set for the implementation of a large-scale project to develop our own CRM system. We broke it down into several smaller steps and stages. In particular, the client cabinet is currently under active development. The next plans include creating cabinets for the financier and the purchaser.

Our flagship product, the logistics cabinet, is already in the testing phase. It will allow the efficiency of the logistics department to reach a fundamentally new level, as its capabilities have been carefully thought out and implemented by professionals.

It is worth emphasizing that the logistician's cabinet is a unique product with no analogues in the logistics services market. In fact, our company has developed an innovative service that will automate and significantly improve the quality of task performance, ensure employee productivity growth for significant improvement in customer service. The implementation of our own CRM system, and particularly the logistician's cabinet, is a path to leading positions in the market and an opportunity to outpace competitors by several steps.

What Functionality does the DiFFreight Company's Logistics Manager's Cabinet Include

  1. Planning the execution of routes in a single system.
  2. Individual tariff calculation for the client.
  3. Consolidation of routes for their optimization.
  4. Control of all logistics processes and much more.

In particular, the work in the logistics manager's cabinet includes the protection of our clients' personal information, as all data will be stored in accordance with the company's privacy policy. You can familiarize yourself with its provisions in the client cabinet – our product, which will be launched shortly. We can guarantee protection against unauthorized access to data because our products do not depend on any third-party services.

In its work, DiFFreight does not recognize frameworks and boundaries for expanding capabilities. We believe that this approach will ensure both our unwavering growth and the development of the entire logistics services market in our country. Stay tuned for more updates!

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